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Product Description:

This series of falling film evaporator is a high-efficiency and energy-saving evaporation equipment developed by Fusi, which absorbs the advanced technology at home and abroad and combines Fusi's experience for many years. It can save the original flavor of fruit juice to a large extent. It is suitable for evaporation and concentration of materials with high heat sensitivity, high sugar content and high requirements for aroma preservation. At the same time, the patented aroma recovery technology can be used for backfilling or making Flavor products. The equipment is operated continuously under vacuum and low temperature, and belongs to the natural circulation liquid membrane concentration equipment.

崇明县| 晋江市| 东港市| 太湖县| 陕西省| 含山县| 华阴市| 松滋市| 嵊泗县| 灌南县| 明光市| 张北县| 佛冈县| 镇沅| 浠水县| 屯昌县| 龙州县| 镇坪县| 昆明市| 通山县| 通化市| 桃园市| 洞头县| 中江县| 三明市| 南陵县| 宁津县| 广宗县| 宣恩县| 封开县| 略阳县| 松江区| 丘北县| 丰宁| 德安县| 得荣县| 南昌市| 江油市| 逊克县| 尼勒克县| 乌拉特中旗|