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AMLA machining

AMLA cases

Raw material acceptance and temporary storageHeating of fruit pulp
Fruit pool (provided by customers)Simple heating of fruit pulp
Chain turning basket feedingCasing heating
Fruit and vegetable filling with wooden basketsTubular heating of fruit pulp
Bubble cleaning of fruits and vegetables268 belt juicing
Net belt fruit and vegetable transportation (belt selection)Sterilization and filling
Spiral conveyingCasing sterilization
CookingTube sterilization
Scraper precookeSingle head big barrel aseptic filling
Denuclearization and denuclearizationDouble head big barrel aseptic filling
Stainless steel blade fruit enucleationCIP cleaning
Stainless steel scraper fruit core washingSimple CIP cleaning
Crushing and beatingThree tank automatic CIP cleaning
Hammer crushing of stainless steelFour tank automatic CIP cleaning
Stainless steel serrated blade crusher
Single beating
Double beating

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