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WALNUT machining

WALNUT cases

Raw material receiving
Fruit and vegetable filling with wooden baskets
Broken shell
One time shell breaking
Secondary shell breaking
Vibration sieve
Shell and kernel separation system
Color selection
Sterilization and packaging
UV sterilization

Raw material acceptanceclean
Fruit and vegetable filling with wooden basketsFruit and vegetable cleaning with horizontal roller
Wind selection to eliminate miscellaneousBrush fruit
Air separation to empty shellsorting
Raw material pretreatmentRoller fruit and vegetable transportation (belt selection)
Roller fruit and vegetable transportation (belt selection)Belt fruit and vegetable transportation (belt selection)
Adjustable gradingDrying and cooling
Series classificationIntelligent full circulation box drying
DepigmentationDrying room
storageIntelligent box type slow air cooling
Raw fruit storageSorting
Walnut raw materialBelt fruit and vegetable transportation (belt selection)

Sterilization and packaging

Drying and cooling

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