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Mesh Belt Sorting Conveyor
Mainly used for conveying and lifting of fruits and vegetables.


  • With specialized cull fruits collecting hopper, it is used for transporting the dates, apples, citruses smoothly and artificial on-line sorting, removing substandard fruits, guaranteeing fruits quality.  

Difference from roller sorting conveyor:

The mesh belt picking conveyor is mainly used for the smooth transition of the fruit, and the first manual picking; combined with the roller picking conveyor, it can miss small impurities and turn the fruit paving over to ensure complete selection and removal of inferior fruits in all directions.

Technical parameters:

ModelWidthCapacitySize  powerSpeedMesh  Size


北宁市| 关岭| 疏附县| 凤山县| 渑池县| 瑞金市| 汾西县| 婺源县| 新郑市| 施秉县| 襄樊市| 什邡市| 宝山区| 垫江县| 静宁县| 阿克苏市| 南京市| 加查县| 酒泉市| 鲁山县| 元江| 三门县| 太康县| 乌拉特前旗| 神木县| 宁南县| 志丹县| 永年县| 湖州市| 盖州市| 赤水市| 宿迁市| 定边县| 汉阴县| 炎陵县| 西丰县| 连江县| 当雄县| 湟源县| 容城县| 藁城市|